AFEA Congress Reaffirms Commitment to Sustainable Development with Latest UN Global Compact Sustainability Report

AFEA Congress Reaffirms Commitment to Sustainable Development with Latest UN Global Compact Sustainability Report

AFEA Congress highlights its ongoing commitment to UNGC principles through its 2024 Sustainability Report, integrating CSR, sustainability, and ethical business practices for industry leadership.

Tuesday, 10 September 2024

AFEA Congress has recently submitted its latest Communication on Progress (CoP) Report and Sustainability Report to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). Since 2017, AFEA has consistently aligned its operations with the ten principles of the UNGC, focusing on Human Rights, Labour Rights, Environmental Protection, and Anti-Corruption. The 2024 Sustainability Report, published in August, serves as a comprehensive reflection of our ongoing efforts to integrate these principles into our business practices. By disclosing the actions we take to support these values, we aim to maintain transparency and accountability within the industry.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability are not just ethical imperatives—they are strategic necessities in the meetings industry. The industry faces significant environmental challenges, from carbon footprints to resource consumption, and addressing these through sustainable practices is essential to AFEA Congress. 

In an industry where innovation and leadership can set new standards, the integration of CSR and sustainability drives progress and contributes to a more responsible and resilient sector. By committing to these practices, AFEA Congress aims not only to fulfill ethical obligations but also to position itself for long-term success.

We invite you to explore our recently submitted Sustainability Report here. This report is a testament to our ongoing efforts to create a better future through responsible and ethical business practices and of paramount importance to AFEA Congress, as it reflects our progress and a strong commitment to each of the above four areas of the UNGC. Creating and operating within a company culture that fosters Sustainable Development and CSR in practice is a key aspect of our vision and mission and we are committed to staying up to date on all related matters.

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AFEA Congress
At AFEA Congress we turn your vision into a unique experience, specially designed to meet your individual needs.