Looking forward to a “sustainable” Meetings Season!

Looking forward to a “sustainable” Meetings Season!

This year we have dedicated a major part of our work in the promotion for a more sustainable profile at the basis for our meetings organization and implementation

Tuesday, 17 May 2022

AFEA team is in full operation and planning mode, back to in person meetings and looking ahead of a full and challenging season. Next to the safe and successful organization of meetings, SDGs, are top of the agenda. 

The 2nd half of 2022 finds AFEA team in the heat of preparation, organization and implementation for the upcoming meetings. This year we have dedicated a major part of our work in the promotion for a more sustainable profile at the basis for our meetings organization and implementation and we focus on the SDGs related to the conferences we organize. In particular Goals 1, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11.

9th Biennial Congress of the European Society of Endocrine Surgeons – ESES 2022

With a mission “to promote research, current knowledge and techniques in endocrine surgery", ESES is a European reference for education in the field of endocrine surgery for all endocrine surgeons” professionals, whether they are at the beginning or the height of their career.

The objectives of the Society, as a non-profit organization with activities for public benefit, aim at the promotion of science through research and the advancement of knowledge and techniques in endocrine surgery, as well as the promotion and maintenance of high standards in the clinical practice of endocrine surgery and the promotion of education and research in this field.

Mediterranean Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology Forum 2022 – MOST Forum 2022 

The MOST Forum 2022 will be held from May 27th to May 28th 2022 in the beautiful Greek island of Rhodes. 

The FORUM is one of the latest scientific and educational initiatives of the Hellenic Association of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology – HAOST and aims to provide a chance for Orthopaedic professionals to connect with colleagues and expand leadership knowledge.  

Population Approach Group Europe - Page 2022 

PAGE Association represents a community with a shared interest in data analysis using the population approach. It is a not-for-profit organisation with a registered office in England and Wales. After a two-year hiatus owing to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, PAGE will resume face-to-face in Ljubljana, Slovenia from 28th June to 1st July 2022!

The PAGE meeting takes place in an informal atmosphere with a vivid scientific discussion. PAGE 2022 will be held at the Cankarjev Dom and participants are encouraged to attend and present their work in the form of an oral presentation or poster. In the context of the meeting, the annual Lewis Sheiner Student Session was inaugurated, in order to honour the memory of Lewis Sheiner and to highlight his lifetime passion for student education. 

74th OMEP World Assembly and Conference 

The 74th OMEP World Assembly and International Conference will be held in Greece, between 12th to 15th July 2022, a country where the ancient philosopher Plato highlighted the importance of Early Childhood Education. 

Education in early childhood and elementary school is fundamental for every individual, because it promotes holistic child’s development, offers opportunities for exploration and learning, and cultivates critical thinking and creativity. At the same time, Pre-school Education plays an important role in children’s school readiness and success, in order for them to become future active citizens. The theme for the OMEP International Conference in July 2022, is based on the need to consider and explore contemporary issues and dilemmas for Pre-school Education in the 21st century.

Cospar2022 – 44th Scientific Assembly

The mission of the COSPAR Athens 2022 held from July 16th to 24th, 2022 is to deliver a Scientific Assembly that reflects, serves, and prolongs COSPAR’s prominence, leading role and legacy. COSPAR Athens 2022 provides all necessary means to support COSPAR’s mission to ‘assemble a worldwide community of scientists who are dedicated to international cooperation in space research’.

COSPAR Athens 2022 SPC and LOC aim to: 

Increase the attractiveness of COSPAR Scientific Assemblies by streamlining the scientific program, providing opportunities for networking between participants, encouraging and promoting participation, and creating an environment of unencumbered communication between space agencies, companies and entities interested in space research and technology with the global space research community;

Deliver an open forum of global scientific interaction and collaboration, free of any geopolitical impediments, tensions or differences;

Create a safe, zero-tolerance environment against any discrimination or harassment, as detailed in the generally accepted Code of Conduct;

Enhance and facilitate the participation of younger Associates by organizing a range of actions oriented toward or focused on them, by allowing a lower registration fee for students, by setting up a student and young associate meeting point during the Assembly, and by establishing a volunteer program for local students to support, and benefit from, the organization; and

Raise awareness within the Greek scientific community, among domestic entities with vested interests in space research and technology, and in the general public on the importance of international collaboration in these subjects and the core benefits of openly accessible top-level science to society’s continuous development and well-being.

The COSPAR Athens 2022 organization subscribes to the generally accepted Code of Conduct and is committed to enforcing it during the Assembly.

5th FORTE Summer School 2022

The 5th Edition of FORTE Summer Schoolwill be held in Athens, Greece from 25-29 July, 2022. 

The Summer School aims to serve the needs of orthopaedic trainees of any stage; either as an annual update or as a preparation tool for National/European orthopaedic board exams. Exchange of ideas and comprehension of diversities between the different countries will be also encouraged, not only during the scientific sessions but also the social events.

Our team aims to promote the sustainable profile of each meeting through the digital promotion of relevant sessions and at the same time encourages the organization of activities within the context of each meeting. The support of the National and Local Authorities is always critical to the successful and effective sustainability actions.

AFEA Congress
At AFEA Congress we turn your vision into a unique experience, specially designed to meet your individual needs.